Friday, April 11, 2014

Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

   “Before we get started. Does anyone want to get out?”

Captain America: The Winter Soldier. is a rarity among modern blockbusters. And earns it's place as one of the best comic book films to date!

Captain America: The Winter Solider. Takes place a couple years after the events that occurred in "The Avengers" Steve, is working for S.H.I.L.E.D now and goes on many missions along side fellow Avenger Natosha Romanof aka Black Widow. Cap is just starting to adjust to modern times. when things get a little jumbled. assassinations, evil within, a mysterious assassin, corruption. all that good stuff.

Just when I was begging to lose my faith in the Marvel Universe. Captain America shows up and saves the day! I think marvel has finally cracked the code for a perfectly balanced Superhero film,  “Iron Man 3” for example, through in a bit to many gags and laughs (although not all of them were actually funny) and although I really liked Man of Steel. it was just a bit to brooding, lacked that nice touch of humor that every-great superhero film should have. And felt a little unbalanced. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier. delivers above and beyond with on this aspect, somehow managing to keep the tone dark and thrilling, while throwing in just the right about of humor to keep it fun! It’s just such an incredible film overall, who would have thought the directors of “Arrested Development” of all people, would give us one of the greatest comic book films to date?
Every scene felt like it served a purpose and gave detail to just the smallest element in a scene. weather it be cap’s list of things to catch up on (Star Wars and rocky on there!) in the beginning. to the heart-wrenching final battle (Spoiler!) between Steve and the Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes. on the heliocarrier. And man is the movie in intense! And the action.. Oh the action! It’s incredible, one scene cap is in an elevator, and more SHIELD agents keep piling in he knows somethings' up. but he remains calm and collective. just before the brawl remarking “Before we get started does anyone want to get out?" A couple seconds then.. Boom! TASER sticks are drawn on him; men punching at him, magnetic hands cuff.. Longs story short he’s socks a dozen men’s breaks the elevator, jumps out the widow landing on his shield, while S.H.I.E.L.D Is in pursuit jumps on a motorcycled barely escaping the building before the doors close. is being targeting by a helicopter. Throws his shield in the helicopter. Jumps on the helicopter taking his shield out jumps off disabling it.. Enough said (end of Spoiler!)  and acting is great.
The chemistry  between every actor is incredible! especially between Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson! They are incredible together and all their whippy one liners they keep throwing at each other!

 Robert Redford could have just been in there to add a big name, but in my opinion totally delivers as a head of SHIELD. Sam Jackson well if you didn't like him before, you might just change your mind after this film. Sebastian Stan. also gives a great performance as the brainwashed assassin. "The Winter Soldier" truly incredible, he’s doesn't have to many speaking scenes, but manages to gives this look that’s just perfect and terrifying.
 I have said that so far the score of the marvel studios films have been lacking to some extent and while maybe Cap 2 hasn't reached the heights of the best, it’s a major step up of what we had before, with an intense dark and ominous score that really captivates the feel of the film. I’d also like to bring out how this movie felt like it was paying homage to a lot of movies and even video games of the past.  And there are certain set pieces that reminded me strangely enough of 1990s video games like “Street fighter II” where cap is facing off with a terrorist in hand to hand combat and its like it’s O.K. time! Some parts brought be back to Jedi outcast, mostly the SHIELD bases and the setup. I half excepted stromtroopers to come running through the halls! A bit of Sonic the hedgehog too! a strange as it sounds. Also speaking of Star Wars. there are some scenes that very much felt like something right out of “Empire” and “Return of the Jedi” you know a movie’s good when you get those kind vibes.. If your a big SW geek like me.. You’ll know them when you see them. I hope.. And this movie actually has heart to it. you truly care about these characters. And I believe I said in my review of Thor 2, how for sequels the hero has to be here in the beginning and he goes through a sequence of events that change him and allows him to grow.. For Steve Rogers this is maybe the best thing the film has done, perfectly giving his man out of time ordeal but he’s dealing with it. because he’s Captain America! but then this happens and that happens and suddenly a man who naturally wants to trust everyone.. Is told not to trust anyone, the one place he thought he could turn to shattered before his eyes… and just when you thought he couldn't handle anymore it’s gets worse, this is probably the most accurate and well flashed out portrayal of a superhero I have ever seen on film to date.. Lets put is this way; Iron Man 3 made me laugh.. This movie brought me to tears. It’s just that good. And it’s beautiful,  if you love superhero films or just good action thrillers or character films. you will not be disappointed. I know it’s new and I’ve only seen it twice so far.. But I believe this is now my favorite superhero film to date. and is up there with my elite all time favorite films! Do yourself a favor and go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier if you haven’t!
