Sunday, June 30, 2013

4: Warm Bodies

I wasn't sure what to think of this movie at first, from the previews I couldn't tell if it would be another "Twilight" rip-off with Zombies!, which how can a movie while the guy is a zombie be romantic? well just watch the movie and you'll see, I couldn't stop smiling while watching this movie, it's about a Zombie name "R" well thats all he can remember of his name who finds himself drawl to a girl, named "Julie" (Romeo & Juliet anyone?) and ends up saving her from his zombie buddies and some how starts to become human again. it's funny, sweet, and just happy! sure it has it's gross parts.. (Spoiler )him eating her boyfriends brain to gives him his memories. which is weird and well gross. but I just found this movie a light happy pleasant surprise! high B+

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