Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In a stunning turn of events, George Lucas as made a announcement, to beat all other announcements.

Well for one thing he's retiring, next he's sold Lucasfilm to Disney.

and last but not least. they are coming out with more star wars movies!!!

Yes you heard it, thought your adventures in a galaxy far far away, were over? well think again, cause they are planing to release a new trilogy starting in 2015. with films after to follow every 2 or 3 years, this is what I was hoping for George to say, to realize that the star wars universe is far to big to be contained in six films, that it is ongoing and a cannon that should be treated like "Marvel" where stories can take place in the galaxy far far away and focus on different characters and story-lines, the launch date set is ironically the same year, as the sequel for the record breaking "Avengers". and the presumed launch date for the Justice League movie, not to mention the year, Avatar 2 is suppose to be released. this is great new for (most) Star Wars fans! it's what I've been dying to hear ever sense Revenge of the Sith hit theaters seven years ago and I was waiting in line for six hours to see the premiere, of course now that I'm older I see the faults in the prequels, bad dialog, stiff acting and lacking something that was in the OT. I do think "Sith" is still a great movie and was a vast improvement upon the other prequels. but let's just say I'm hoping these new movies will be more "Empire" and Less "Menace". so I So I wanted to explore on what new Films I think should be made, now that my dreams have became a reality, and on a side note, I know I never finished, my Top 5 movies of the summer, got side tracked I guess, so I'll list them briefly.

2# The Dark Knight Rises, Exceeding my expectations in every way amazing film! 

1# The Avengers, Loved it, incredible amazing film, I'm currant favorite film of all time right now,
I'm planing on a top ten films of 2012 or something like that so I'll evaluate more, on "Avengers when I do that"

But I'll have my Ideas for what they should make in my next post.

May the Force Be with you always..

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