Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wreck-it Ralph

Wreck-Ralph is a video game character in the arcade game "Fix-it Felix", he is the bad guy who terrorizes the citizens of the apartment complex that Fix-it Felix... fixes. Ralph smashes its widows and such, and at the end of the day Felix fixes it all and they throw Ralph off the roof. So, Ralph is, as you can imagine, pretty tired of being the villain and sets out outside of his game and tries to earn a metal in hopes of getting a house in the building and being accepted my the apartment dwellers. He goes to a dangerous modern game called "Hero's Duty" where he does in fact get a metal, but has to flee the game's evil cybugs. He eventually ends up in a cutesy racing game called "Sugar Rush" where he meets a glitch called Vanillope, who wants to be a recer.

So this film is just brilliant- Diseny's best animated film in a like, well a long time, full gamer humor, beautiful and creative animation, and surprising heart. This is a gem of a movie that, even if your not a gamer, you can enjoy. I loved Felix in it as well, he is just so polite and awesome. This is one of the best animated films I've ever seen and if you haven't already seen it you have to check it out.

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