Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Okay folks now we are getting into my top 10 for next year, be warned I might start to sound excited (probably not too much until I hit 6# ;))
and my Number 10# for 2013 is...

Releases 7.26.13

The sequel; somewhat spin-off (?) to 2009s' X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Takes the clawed mutant to Japan Where he Faces off against Samurai's and gets a new love interest.

I liked the first wolverine, I know alot of people didn't. but overall it was a enjoyable intense action movie... full of contradictions, and even some character hacking. (haha!) and come on, it's a superhero movie! (One of my favorite movie genres in case you don't know me.) They should be able to do better then that. In 2X to flashbacks, saying Logan/Wolverine would have no memory after the procedure to turns is excel-skeleton  to steel, or more actually antamantum. Where in Wolverine he still has his memory afterwards, and doesn't lose it till he gets shot in the head, with an antamantum bullet. come on! not to mention turning Deadpool into some sort of mad scientist experiment. but enough of that, lets talk about the new movie. now I love Wolverine, but after four X-men movies staring him, he can get a little old. Nonetheless I'll still be seeing this when it comes out next summer. (cause i just can't help myself!) and they say they are suppose to be taking it into a different direction. if that direction is good and close the the source materiel this could be a really good movie, but I'll have to wait and see.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting, I like the Wolverine movies.
